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When is the Best Time to Go to the Gym? Complete Guide

When it comes to hitting the gym, timing is everything. Finding the best time to go can significantly impact your workout experience. It can also affect your energy levels and even the results you achieve. However, there are many factors to consider. These include peak times and personal preferences. Finding the best time for your workouts can be challenging.

This detailed guide will cover different time slots including morning, afternoon, and evening. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of each time slot. So, you can choose the best time to go to the gym.

Furthermore, we’ll also discuss the least busiest time to go to the gym. We’ll also give you an overview about the ideal gym timing for weight loss.

When is the best time to go to the gym?

Morning Workouts

Morning workouts come with their own benefits. Some people prefer morning workouts while some not. Yes, morning workout is a great time to exercise. But here are some pros and cons of morning workout that you should consider before.


  • Boost metabolism and energy: Morning workouts push your metabolism. They also give you an energy boost for the day. Exercising in the morning increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. This makes you feel more alert and productive throughout the day. Additionally, exercise releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins. These improve your mood and set a positive tone for the day.
  • Consistency: Morning workouts promote consistency in your exercise routine. When you exercise in the morning, you avoid the risk of unexpected events or tiredness later in the day ruining your plans. It starts your day on a positive note and makes it less likely for you to skip workouts due to other responsibilities or losing motivation as the day goes on.
  • Less crowded: In the early morning, the gym is usually less crowded, so you can easily find available equipment and avoid waiting for popular stations like the squat rack.


  • Decreased energy levels and stiffness: In the morning, some people may feel tired and stiff, which can make it difficult to perform well during workouts. It takes time for the body to fully wake up. Muscles and joints may need some stretching to loosen up. Doing a proper warm-up routine can help relieve this problem.
  • Limited time and lifestyle adjustment: It can be hard to do morning workouts because you have to wake up earlier. This is especially tough if you’re not used to waking up early or if you’re really busy. Your body needs time to get used to the new routine. At first, it might be hard to find the energy to get up and exercise. If you keep doing it regularly and make it a habit, your body will get used to this new morning exercise routine over time.
a young man working out in the morning

Afternoon Workouts

medium to high intensity Exercising in the afternoon is good because it lowers the chance of heart disease and cancer deaths. Not everyone can exercise in the afternoon. If you want to start working out in the afternoon, here are a few pros and cons to consider about.


  • Optimal body temperature and performance: In the afternoon, your body temperature is typically at its peak, which can enhance your physical performance. The natural warmth in your body makes it easier to participate in intense workouts and attain higher levels of endurance and strength. This can lead to more productive exercise sessions and potentially greater fitness improvements.
  • Stress relief and boost productivity: Exercising in the afternoon can be a fantastic way to reduce stress and boost productivity. After a busy morning of work or other activities, an afternoon workout provides a refreshing break from mental pressure and helps release built-up tension. Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, which uplift your mood and enhance your focus. This leads to increased productivity and overall well-being for the rest of the day.


  • Work and responsibilities: Working out in the afternoon can be hard if you have other things to do like work or family stuff. This can make it tough to find time to exercise. It can be hard for some people to balance responsibilities and make time for an afternoon workout. This can make it tough to stick to a regular exercise routine.
  • Change in energy and meal planning: People may feel less energetic in the afternoon, especially after lunch. This can make it harder to find the motivation and energy for a workout. Moreover, exercising with a full stomach can lead to discomfort or digestive problems. Planning meals and snacks is important for having enough energy and feeling good during afternoon workouts.
a fit young man working out in the gym

Evening Workouts

Ending your day with a workout can help reduce stress. Exercising in the evening boosts testosterone more than exercising in the morning. Are you planning to workout in the evening? Here are a few pros and cons to keep in mind.


  • Increased energy levels: Working out in the evening is good for some people because they have more energy at that time. After a busy day, the body is often more prepared and warmed up for physical activity. This can help you have more effective and intense workout.
  • Stress relief: Evening workouts can be a great way to reduce stress from the day. Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, which make you feel good. By exercising in the evening, people can channel their stress and frustrations into a positive outlet, promoting mental well-being. It may also help them sleep better.


  • Disturbed Sleep: Working out before going to bed can affect sleep for some people. Physical activity raises body temperature and heart rate, which can make it harder to relax and fall asleep quickly. It’s best to wait a few hours after exercising before going to bed. This allows your body to relax and also improves the quality of your sleep.
  • Crowded gyms: Many people like to exercise after work, which can lead to crowded gyms during the evening hours. This may mean the gym is crowded and you have to wait longer for equipment. For those who prefer a calm and focused workout session, they may not like working out in the evening.
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When is the Gym Least Busy?

It is best to visit the gym during the least busy gym times. If you prefer a peaceful and less crowded workout experience, you can go to the gym when it’s not busy, like in the middle of the morning or afternoon. This is when most people are at work or doing other things. These times often provide a calmer environment, and there’s more equipment available. You also won’t have to wait as long for popular machines like squat racks, benches, and cable machines.

Another way is to select days with fewer people. Weekends and Mondays are typically the busiest times at the gym, as many individuals start their fitness routines or make up for missed workouts. You can try going to the gym on Wednesdays or Fridays because it’s usually less busy. Try going to the gym at different times and days to find peaceful moments in the busyness of gym.

obese woman working out in gym

When is the best time to go to the gym for weight loss?

For weight loss, it’s important to understand how the timing of your workouts affects your metabolism and energy levels. Studies show that exercising in the morning before eating can use stored fat as energy, which may help burn more fat during the workout. However, it’s important to know that everyone is different, and some people may feel better about their performance and energy if they eat a small snack before exercising.

On the other hand, working out in the afternoon or evening can help you lose weight by using up the calories you consumed during the day.

My best time to visit the gym

As an experienced fitness professional, I personally prefer going to the gym in the evening, specifically between 6 and 8 p.m. During this time, I feel my best because I have already eaten and digested 3–4 meals, which provide me with enough energy. Also, I don’t like waking up early. I like to sleep more and wake up later after getting enough deep sleep. I feel stronger, more energetic, and more comfortable in the evening. Moreover, it helps me relax after work and sleep better.

However, not everyone may prefer to go to the gym in the evening. I explained the pros and cons of working out at different times. You can decide what’s best for you based on what you like and your needs.


In conclusion, to have a good workout, it’s important to know the best time to go to the gym. Considering factors such as peak times, personal preferences, and specific goals is crucial. Exercising in the morning can help you boost your metabolism and burn more calories.

However, it might be hard to get used to, and you might feel tired at first. Afternoon workouts are good for your body’s temperature and stress relief. It can be difficult due to work and fluctuating energy levels.

Working out in the evening can give you more energy and help you feel less stressed. It may affect sleep and lead to crowded gyms. To avoid crowded gyms, choose less busy times or specific days for a more peaceful workout.

The best time for weight loss is early in the morning, but it also depends on what works best for you and how your body reacts.

I have over 3 years of experience as an ACE and Ereps certified personal trainer. Furthermore, I work with Sigma Fitness and create fitness-related articles.

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