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B Stance Hip Thrust: Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide

Are you a gymgoer and looking for a good movement to build and strengthen your glutes and hamstrings? Then your search is over.

In this article, you’ll get to learn everything about b stance hip thrust through video, and a step-by-step guide.

Let us begin with an overview of the b-stance hip thrust.

What is B Stance Hip Thrust?

A b-stance hip thrust is simply an advanced version of a normal hip thrust, or you can call it a single-leg hip thrust. But it’s not only done with one leg. It’s also done with both legs, with one leg supporting the other and the other leg’s foot placed in a slightly different way, which we’ll explain in more detail in how to do it.

This exercise mostly works the muscles of one leg at a time. The other leg is also worked, but not as much as the primary leg. Some people find this exercise hard because they have to keep their balance.

How to do B Stance Hip Thrust?

Follow the steps below to learn how to do a b-stance hip thrust properly.

  1. Position yourself with your back against a bench and put your feet about hip-width apart. This step sets up the starting position for the exercise.
  2. Take a step forward with one foot while keeping the other foot slightly back. Balance your weight on your heels. This step sets up the “B stance” by putting one foot forward and the other foot a little bit back. This gives the exercise a stable base.
  3. Bend your knees and engage your core. This step emphasizes the importance of knee flexion and core engagement to keep the right form while maintaining stability throughout the movement.
  4. To get your hips off the ground, push through the toe of the front foot. This step highlights the action of driving through the toe of the front foot to start the hip thrust movement, effectively targeting the glutes.
  5. At the top of the movement, squeeze your glutes to maximize the contraction. This step shows how important it is to fully contract the glutes at the top of the action to get the most out of the exercise.
  6. Lower your glutes back down and repeat the exercise. Aim to hold the top position for 1-2 seconds while squeezing your glutes. This step instructs you to lower the hips back down after completing the hip thrust and encourages maintaining the contraction in the glutes for an additional challenge.
  7. Switch the positioning of your feet and repeat the exercise with the new stance. This final step suggests changing the foot positioning to work both sides of the body evenly, promoting balanced muscle development.

If you’re still not sure how to do a b-stance hip thrust, you can watch our YouTube video below to learn the right way to do the exercise.

B-stance hip thrust Glutes Workout

  1. Deadlift: 3sets of 12-8reps
  2. B stance hip thrust: 3sets of 12-10reps
  3. Sumo squats: 3sets of 12-10reps
  4. Bulgarian split squats: 3sets of 12-8reps
  5. Cable pull through: 3sets of 12-10reps

This is a sample workout to give you an overview of how you can use b-stance hip thrusts in your workouts.

You can also use this workout in your workout routine, but set the intensity and volume according to your level of fitness. This workout is great for hypertrophy.

you might also like: Deadlift and Squat Same Day- The Ultimate Leg Workout

Muscles used in B stance hip thrust

Below are the primary and secondary muscles used in the stance hip thrust.

Primary Muscles

  • Gluteus Maximus: largest muscle in the human body. It is responsible for hip extension, power, and keeping your back straight.
  • Gluteus Medius: Hip muscle aid in stabilization, abduction, and rotation of the thigh. Important for maintaining balance and supporting movement.
  • Hamstrings: Hamstrings: Group of muscles located at the back of the thigh. They flex the knee and extend the hip, playing a role in walking, running, and jumping.

Secondary Muscles

  • Quadriceps: Group of muscles at the front of the thigh. They extend the knee and are essential for activities like walking, running, and jumping.
  • Core: muscles in the belly, back, and pelvis. They help with stability, posture, and transferring force between the upper and lower bodies during movement.

Benefits of B stance hip Thrust

  1. Build stronger glutes: Including B Stance Hip Thrust into your leg workout routine enhances glute muscle mass and strength.
  2. Enhance stability: Performing single-leg hip thrusts engages stabilizer and core muscles, improving long-term stability.
  3. Address muscle imbalances: Doing unilateral movements like B Stance Hip Thrust helps correct muscle imbalances.

Disadvantages of B stance Hip Thrust

  1. Lack of progressive overload: The B-Stance Hip Thrust can’t be done with big weights or a one-rep max (1RM) because you have to balance and stay stable. This limits the amount of progressive overload you can do.

Alternatives to b-stance hip thrust

hip thrust alternative exercises

Hip Thrust

If you find B-Stance Hip Thrust challenging, it’s perfectly fine. You can opt for regular hip thrusts, which target the same muscles. In regular hip thrusts, you can also increase the weight to effectively build stronger glutes.


Deadlifts are a great way to strengthen the hips, hamstrings, and other muscles in the back. They work the same muscles as B Stance Hip Thrusts and have the added benefit of being able to handle bigger weights.

Sumo Squats

Sumo squats are a great way to work on your glutes and hamstrings. Use dumbbells, kettlebells, or a barbell to add resistance. When you do regular squats, you also use your glutes as a main muscle group.


In conclusion, the B-Stance Hip Thrust is a good exercise for developing and strengthening the glutes and hamstrings. It has benefits like making the body more stable and improving muscle balance. But because of the need for balance and stability, it might not allow progressive overload.

Hip thrusts, deadlifts, and sumo squats are alternatives that work the same muscles and can handle heavier weights. To get the most out of your lower-body workouts, choose the variation that fits your goals and preferences.

I have over 3 years of experience as an ACE and Ereps certified personal trainer. Furthermore, I work with Sigma Fitness and create fitness-related articles.

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